More cozy days, please.
We believe in sleeping in, wearing sweatpants to the movies, and drinking coffee at any time of the day. Also, we're not scared to hug a little tighter, laugh a little louder, and take unflattering snapchats because it totally is way more entertaining that way.
When we say "hand poured candles", we mean it:
our mission is simple.
Our mission is to support local businesses, bring joy to our beautiful world, spread the love, and indulge in the little things (because #balance).
Featured items
Our customers love these babies.

We love supporting small businesses!
The more the merrier, in our opinion. You'll notice there are a bunch of items that aren't made by us! That's because one of our missions is to give visibility to local businesses and small businesses. We only feature companies that we love and trust!

Coffee on the dock.
Is there a better place to drink your coffee the morning? There might be, but as long as there's coffee (or wine), we're in!